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Lethbridge School Division Anti-Racism and Anti-Oppression Survey

Why is Lethbridge School Division conducting this survey?

Over the last number of years, in order to support all members of the school community, Lethbridge School Division has received feedback from students, families, staff and community members regarding the need for anti-racism and anti-oppression work in our School Division and community. In the 2022/2023 school year, we heard directly from our school stakeholders in our Town Hall event, and from our students at the Student Wellness and Inclusion Forum. Both events produced feedback regarding the importance of developing procedures regarding our Division Anti-Racism and Anti-Oppression Policy 103.1. (https://www.lethsd.ab.ca/download/400582). The Lethbridge School Division Anti-Racism and Anti-Oppression Policy speaks to a vision for our community of learners.

It is our vision to create a community of reflective, engaged citizens continuously striving for a culture free of racism and oppression.

The purpose of this survey is to provide an opportunity for parents, guardians, caregivers, secondary students, staff, board members, and community members to provide perspective on building a culture free of racism and oppression. Thank you for responding. We look forward to learning and growing together.

To take the survey, please click on the link below: