Town Hall 2024 set for Feb. 6
Lethbridge School Division is set to host the annual Town Hall event on Tuesday Feb. 6, from 6:30-8:15 p.m.
Town Hall will be an in-person event at Victoria Park High School (1515-5 Ave. S.).
The purpose of Town Hall is to seek feedback to assist the Board of Trustees and the Division in planning for the future.
Below, you will find the list of topics that will guide discussions on Feb. 6.
For the first session, participants will split up into elementary, middle school and high school tables, in order to provide feedback specific to those levels.
For the second session, participants will split up to discuss specific topics. Participants cna include Division students, parents/caregivers/guardians, staff members or community members.
To sign up as a Town Hall participant, please fill out the online form found through this link: TOWN HALL.
General Topics
- What are the successes of the Elementary school experience in Lethbridge School Division?
- Where can we improve the Elementary school experience in Lethbridge School Division?
Middle School
- What are the successes of the Middle School experience in Lethbridge School Division?
- Where can we improve the Middle School experience in Lethbridge School Division?
High School
- What are the successes of the High School experience in Lethbridge School Division?
- Where can we improve the High School experience in Lethbridge School Division?
Specific Topics
Learning and the Future of Education
- What should the future of learning and education look like?
Kindergarten and Early Learning
- What can the school division do to make early learning programs and kindergarten more accessible to parents?
- What are the positive aspects of using technology in schools?
- What are the negative aspects of using technology in schools?
- What suggestions do you have related to technology in schools?
- What feedback do you have for the Board of Trustees about how they govern the Division?