Board Budget Belief Statements
Lethbridge School Division is primarily funded by Alberta Education. The Board is legally obligated to create and approve the annual division budget and to fiscally manage the Division's funds in a responsible manner, ensuring that the educational needs of students are met within a balanced budget, as required by the Education Act.
• The Board believes the budget should be developed in the best interests of all students.
• The Board believes in a budget process that is open and transparent.
• The Board believes the budget shall provide for staffing to facilitate educational opportunities for all students.
• The Board believes in partnering with municipalities, other boards, and community-based service agencies to effectively address the needs of all students.
• The Board believes that investment in early learning is foundational to student success.
• The Board believes funds need to be allocated to promote access to educational opportunities and resources for all students.
• The Board believes in keeping Division and school levied fees as low as possible.
• The Board believes maintaining an uncommitted reserve is necessary for emergent and contingent situations.
• The Board believes opportunities for student learning are supported by allocating funds to centralized services.
• The Board believes in supporting opportunities to further board priorities within schools.
Values and Priorities
The Board of Trustees has adopted a vision statement for the Division “Learners are innovative thinkers who are successful, confident, respectful and caring." The budget allocates resources available to achieve the Board's vision and priorities.
Lethbridge School Division is inclusive, forward thinking and accountable for engaging students in quality learning experiences that develop strong foundations, innovative minds and responsible citizens.
We are growing, leading and supporting through the following values:
Learning, Inclusion, Well-Being, Respect and Leadership.
Growing Learning and Achievement.
Leading Learning and Capacity Building.
Supporting Learning and Well-Being.