Transportation in cold weather

When the temperature drops - be prepared

Students and parents are reminded that extra caution should be taken during the winter months and periods of extreme weather. Lethbridge weather can include cold temperatures, wind chill and snow that make getting to and from school challenging. Please take a moment and review this important information with your children.

Lethbridge School Division schools rarely close due to snow or cold temperatures. All Division schools will remain open to provide a safe, warm and secure environment for students.

Assume schools are open unless you hear otherwise from your school. Information regarding any school closures due to weather will also be posted on the Division website, on Twitter, Facebook and shared with local news media.

During the winter, roads may also be congested and slippery resulting in possible traffic and bus delays. Unusually cold or stormy weather can result in buses being delayed. Use the MyBusStop App or check My School Bus Monitor for messages on delays. Unexpected mechanical problems with the bus may also occur more frequently at this time of year. Children should be dressed appropriately for the colder weather as buses cool off very quickly.

Children should be well prepared for the weather and not left unattended at bus stops for any period of time, under any circumstances. They should have clear instructions on how long to await for the bus and what to do if the bus does not arrive. Never leave children at the stop without backup arrangements for an emergency

Families should ensure they have back-up care arrangements if transportation is delayed. Children should have a warm place to stay before and after school.

Children will find it easier to walk through the ice and snow when their school books and lunches are carried in a back pack.

Severe weather information FAQs