Independent. Nonprofit. Research backed.
Since 2003, Common Sense has been the leading source of entertainment and technology recommendations for families and schools. Every day, millions of parents and educators trust Common Sense reviews and advice to help them navigate the digital world with their kids. Together with policymakers, industry leaders, and global media partners, we're building a digital world that works better for all kids, their families, and their communities.

MediaSmarts is a Canadian not-for-profit charitable organization for digital and media literacy. Our vision is that children, youth and trusted adults have the critical thinking skills to engage with media as active and informed digital citizens.

We're a little bit different, here's how:
Comprehensive curriculum emphasizes ethical and critical thinking.
Covers digital citizenship, information literacy and media literacy.
Scaffolds concepts to help students make sense of a complex digital world.
Developmentally-appropriate for middle school.
Send-home parent letters with family activities that align with every lesson.
Program enjoys a 98% renewal rate.
Designed by teachers for teachers.

Josh Ochs, Founder and Digital Citizenship Author of Smart Social
Josh Ochs combines both to help teens and tweens use social media as a portfolio of positive accomplishments. Josh has traveled the nation speaking to over 300,000 students (pre Covid), sharing with them tips they can use to create a positive online presence. Josh’s book: “Light, Bright and Polite for Teens” teaches students of all ages that everything they post on social media will eventually be discovered by their parents, teachers, their school Principal and someday colleges and employers. He shows families and teenagers practical examples they can use to always keep it “Light, Bright and Polite” by posting photos of community volunteer projects that will help them shine online. Josh Ochs' other 5 books teach people and brands how to shine online.

Ignition Digital Wellness & Safety for grades 6-9
EVERFI believes in educating the whole child and designs online resources in the areas of applied STEM & career exploration, social-emotional learning, digital wellness and financial literacy. The online resources are aligned to AB curriculum outcomes and are cost-free due to community partners.
EVERFI has over 17 cost-free online resources, but as a division, we recommend teachers us Ignition Digital Wellness & Safety for grades 6-9
To get started go to www.everfi.net and view the Quickstart Guide here for guidance. If you have any questions or would like to book a workshop for your class please contact Leila Pullum lpullum@everfi.com.

Did you know our School Division has a digital threat assessment team trained by Safer Schools Together. Safer Schools together also has some great resources for parents.