Instructional Services develops a yearly Wellness Work Plan which identifies the health initiatives Lethbridge School Division implements.
The Wellness Committee, composed of Trustees, Elementary, Middle and High School Administrator representation, teacher representation and outside agencies, meets 3 times per year to inform these initiatives and receive updates related to Wellness in the school division.
Wellness Policy and Procedures can be accessed here: Policies
Every year, schools are required to identify a staff member who will take the role of "Health Champ". This staff member is responsible for attending Division-wide Health Champ meetings. At these meetings, school division strategy, initiatives and wellness issues are discussed and brainstormed. Health Champs then share meeting minutes and training with staff at staff meetings.
Lethbridge School Division is proud of many of the preventative health-based initiatives we participate in yearly such as nutrition programs, staff wellness throwdown challenges, health curriculum updates, self-regulation training, outdoor learning and physical activity support, helpful parent information evenings, and partnerships with the University such as research initiatives and supporting Nurse practicums.