Alberta Education provides an assortment of parent information regarding education including:
School Councils - Through school councils, Albertans assume an advisory role in education matters ranging from academic programs to school policies and budgeting.
School Councils Regulation - The School Councils Regulation outlines the requirements for the establishment and operation of school councils, which advise the school board on matters pertaining to a specific school. The Regulation addresses school council membership and responsibilities, governance, reporting requirements, responsibilities related to the management of money, and circumstances under which an advisory committee may fulfill the functions of a school council.
School Council Resource Guide - The guide has tools to assist school councils as they develop partnerships, chart their futures and enhance the educational opportunities available in their communities.
Tips for Parents - Find useful topics for such topics as: preparing your child for the first day of school, helping with homework and getting your child prepared for high school, post-secondary and the world of work.
The Alberta School Councils' Association Website - AlbertaSchool Councils' Association is a provincial association of parents and community supporters who are committed to enhancing student success through meaningful involvement in children's education and schooling. Our members work to "positively" influence education at local (through School Councils), jurisdictional, and provincial (through AHSCA) levels.
Contact the Alberta School Councils Association – Development Office
Address: 1200, 9925 – 109 St.
Edmonton, Alberta T5K 2J8
Phone: (780) 421-8002 or 1 (800) 661-3470
Fax: (780) 421.803