Developing an education plan and reporting on results provides the Board an opportunity to focus on local needs in the context of provincial directions for education. The provincial process of review and analysis of the school board plans and reports improves alignment with key provincial directions. This process also provides a feedback loop that shows important implications for the provincial education plan and results report as well as for the future direction of education.
Feedback on plans and reports from Alberta Education along with that from school councils, parents, and the public provide important information for school boards to consider in annual updates of their education plan.
If you have any questions regarding Lethbridge School District No.51 financial information please contact:
Avice DeKelver
Director of Finance
433 - 15th Street South
Lethbridge, Alberta T1J 2Z4
Phone: (403) 380-5308
Fax: (403) 320-9117
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