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Lethbridge School Division 2021/2022 Re-Entry Plan

The Lethbridge School Division 2021/2022 Re-Entry Plan can be found at the link below:


The results are in from the Lethbridge School Division Re-Entry Plan survey. Please click on the link below for all the details:


Click on the link below to see a quick summary with a few of the key points in the Re-Entry Plan:


In the video below, Lethbridge School Division Board Chair Christine Light speaks about the 2021/2022 Re-Entry Plan.

Re-Entry Plan Summary


As per CMOH Order 34-2021 of the Chief Medical Officer, masks remain mandatory for students, drivers, staff members and visitors on school buses, public transit, taxis and ride sharing.


As was the case in 2020-2021, schools will be secure at the beginning of the school year. Visitors will be required to access schools using the outside bell (directly connects with the office), confirm that they have reviewed the Alberta Health Daily Checklist (posted at sign in), sign in, sanitize and wear a mask.


At the start of the school year and until further notice, large group gatherings of students inside the building as part of the school day (e.g. assemblies) is restricted. This will be monitored and restrictions lifted if data supports that we are at the point where large gatherings are not putting students at a heightened level of risk.
Outdoor large group gatherings of students as part of the school day is restricted at the elementary and middle school level.



Students will be required to wear masks entering the school, leaving the school, and in common gathering spaces inside the school (e.g. hallways, washrooms).


  • When students are out of their assigned seating plan engaged in close-contact interactive activities, they will be asked to wear a mask.
  • At all other times, wearing a mask will be encouraged and supported but not required.

Wearing masks in outdoor spaces will not be required.

Students will wear masks in mixed cohort groups in middle school when students are combined from multiple groups (e.g. middle school option classes).


In support of the Division’s perspective that masks are a mitigation strategy, all staff will be role models and wear masks entering and exiting the building and in common gathering spaces in schools and other Division buildings (e.g. hallways, washrooms, cafeteria).


Elementary school - The school year will begin with restrictions on after-school activities such as clubs and sports at the beginning of the school year. This decision will be reviewed on an ongoing basis recognizing that opportunity for these activities are important for students.
Middle and high school - Middle school and high school activities will follow the Extra-curricular and Co-curricular Phase-in Plan that was developed in the spring by secondary administrators and approved by the Board in June. The plan is fluid and responsive to provincial plans as well as local context. At the time that this Re-entry Plan is being released, we are at Phase 3.

Extra-curricular sports/activities permitted with restrictions as outlined in the Phase-In Plan. No limit on cohorts other than groups of students who are younger than age 12 where it is recommended that cohorts are at a maximum of 50 (AHS) if they are offered. Provincial play permitted adhering to provincial and national guidelines. Tournaments permitted adhering to any provincial/national/international travel restrictions.
Performers for singing are not facing one another social distancing adhered to, masking is required as per AHS guidelines for performance (for rehearsing, not for live performance including wind instruments).


Elementary school - Elementary classes are in natural cohort groups by class. Students will have physical education, music and other activities in their cohort. Schools may choose to have two cohort
groups to a maximum of 50 students combined for some activities (maximum cohort size
recommended for this age group by AHS).
Middle school - Middle schools will be operating a regular class schedule. There are some natural cohort limits by grade and core subject configuration (the same group of students take core subjects together). Grade 6 will be monitored closely with respect to absenteeism with potential shifts regarding access to option courses.
High school - High schools will be operating a regular class schedule.