Fleetwood-Bawden houses approximately 400 students from Early Education to Grade 5. We are a dual-track school, hosting children in a regular educational program and a Montessori program. Children attending the school walk from the surrounding neighbourhood as well as approved Montessori students are bussed from various parts of the city.
Fleetwood-Bawden provides an inclusive, welcoming, caring, respectful and safe learning environment where we inspire a passion for learning. Our dedicated staff include teachers, educational assistants, learning support teacher, teacher counsellor, administration, administrative assistant, administrative support, speech and language assistant, early literacy assistant, learning commons facilitator and caretakers. Numerous parent and community member volunteers are also a valued part of our team. The Fleetwood-Bawden community believes in providing an educationally rich environment where students will achieve success and be contributing, responsible citizens who make a positive difference in the world.
In addition to providing an engaging academic program, staff members devote many hours to extra-curricular activities. Programs are offered throughout the year during nutrition breaks as well as before or after school. A sample includes a 3D printing club, robotics club, hand bells, choir, sports activities (soccer, floor hockey, basketball, skating…), drama, games clubs, reading groups, passion projects, technology club, interest clubs and craft clubs.
Learning spaces extend beyond classrooms to our gymnasium, music room, movement room, calming space, literacy lounge, kitchen and a large Learning Commons. The Learning Commons houses a large quantity of books, resources and technologies including computers, laptops, IPads, a 3D printer and a large screen for video conferencing and presentations. A green screen is also used throughout the year for creating videos. Fleetwood-Bawden is situated on a generous playing field where students have access to many sports activities. A full-sized playground further enhances outdoor activities for students and the surrounding community.
Fleetwood-Bawden strives to be an "environmentally friendly" school through its promotion of environmental stewardship and sustainable practices. This includes recycling programs, minimizing the consumption of paper, past community garden and composting initiatives, as well as student displays throughout the year focusing on environmental issues. In addition, school-wide presentations teach students about caring for the environment, such as our annual visit by Evergreen Theatre. Scientists-inSchool are also brought into many classrooms for students to explore environmental issues and science concepts. A recent grant from ConocoPhillips further enhanced the number of books we have related to the environment.
Fleetwood-Bawden is known for integrating healthy living practices into all faucets of students' time at school. A free daily nutritious breakfast is available to all students; movement breaks and wellness activities are incorporated into lessons; movement equipment is available in classrooms (such as desk cycles, wiggle cushions, yoga balls and standing desks) and students have a "balanced day" consisting of two nutrition breaks, instead of one lunch break. (Students play and eat in the morning and then play and eat again in the afternoon.)
Mrs. Kathy Mundell
Fleetwood-Bawden is a collaborative community, where everyone is valued and students achieve success by engaging in high quality, inclusive learning experiences.
All learners achieve success, and make a difference in the world.
School Supply Lists