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Please note, some of our elementary schools, along with the Division's Education Centre, are experiencing issues with their phone systems. The Division is working to resolve the issue. Thank you for your patience.

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WCHS commemorates Remembrance Day with Friday-morning service

The Remembrance Day service at Winston Churchill High School featured World War II veteran William Craig, who spoke about his experiences during the war.
Craig, now 97, left for Europe when he was only 18, and was eventually honourable discharged on Nov. 14, 1945.
The World War II veteran participated in the Berlin Victory Parade, and spent the following month in Germany, before returning to Holland, where he eventually received word he would soon be heading back to Canada.
"Thank you for holding this service, and I hope none of you have to experience the horrors of war," said Craig, to conclude his speech.
The event also included performances from the school's combined concert band and the Churchill chorus, along with the the laying of the wreaths.