UPDATE: Chinook High School - Oct. 23, 2023
We would like to update you on the situation at Chinook. We have made the decision not to continue with the season for the Chinook football team. A multitude of factors were considered as we explored a return to game play.
We would like to emphasize that the players and coaches have done everything that was asked of them since the incident happened and have been highly engaged in learning from this experience. School administration has worked diligently in response to the incident as well and was supportive of a return to play if possible. Lethbridge School Division and Chinook High School have worked closely together throughout this process.
The final decision not to return to play was made Divisionally, in consultation with Kevin Cameron, Executive Director for the Center for Trauma Informed Practices. Kevin is an expert in trauma response. Through consultation with Kevin, we have come to understand that we need more time to evaluate and respond to the impact this incident is having on our school community. Given this, it was our view that we are not ready to return to play.
In the aftermath of this incident some members of the football team have been targeted for harassment. We understand that serious and traumatic events such as this trigger feelings of anger and frustration. We ask that all stakeholders refrain from directing these feelings toward members of the football team and members of our school communities. Harassment of any kind is not acceptable.
We have all been deeply impacted by the distressing nature of the recent incident that occurred at Chinook and the severity of the criminal charges. This has been an incredibly difficult time for students, staff, the school community at Chinook and the Division as a whole. Our students and student-athletes should expect to be safe in our schools. It is clear we still have work to do to fully meet that expectation. This is about more than the Chinook football team. Moving forward, a serious incident such as this requires a broader response. We will come together as a Division and examine factors that have the potential to compromise the safety of not only our student-athletes, but students across the Division. We will learn and grow from this.
We encourage any member of our school communities that has been assaulted in any way or that may need support for any issue to come forward as soon as they are ready.
Chinook students are encouraged to reach out to Chinook High School Wellness Team in-person, on Teams or via phone at 403-320-7565 or online here: WELLNESS, or school administration, trusted teachers or counsellors, if they are struggling or require additional supports
If any member of our school communities need support related to sexual assault or other issues, they can contact their school wellness team, trusted teachers or counsellors or school administration. In addition, there are also many community organizations that can assist, including the following:
The Chinook Sexual Assault Centre - 403-694-1094 (the centre supports those who have experienced sexual violence)
Lethbridge Family Services – 403-327-5724
AHS Mental Health – 1-877-303-2642 or this this link: AHS
Kids Help Phone – 1-800-668-6868 (text 686868)
We would like to extend our sincere gratitude for all those who reached out to support during this difficult time. We are deeply saddened this occurred and are committed to responding in a way that brings about change.