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Panago North and Lethbridge Fire and Emergency Services team up for donation

Panago North Lethbridge has a history of recognizing our local heroes in the emergency services field.
On Sept. 11, Panago North typically recognizes our local heroes in a way only they can.
“Panago North, for the last five years, we’ve donated free lunch and supper to both shifts at all of the fire halls within the city,” said store owner Wade Pierson, who added this year, Panago North went in a little bit of a different direction, to help benefit students in Lethbridge School Division. “I approached the Deputy Chief Chris Tomaras this year and I said, ‘I wonder if there is a better way we could utilize that expense,’ and so we decided to just make a cash donation to the Poverty Intervention Fund, because I know that’s really important to the school division.”
On Thursday afternoon, Panago North stopped by the Division’s Education Centre (Aakaipookaiksi Building) to drop off a cheque to help the Division support students in need.
“Chris was all in with the firefighters, and so that’s what we’re going to do on an annual basis, so we can donate as much as we can,” said Pierson. “We matched the cost of feeding all of the firefighters and we’re donating $800 today to the fund, and we’re excited to be part of it.”
Lethbridge Fire and Emergency Services was more than happy to jump on board with the initiative, according to Tomaras.
“For us, it’s supporting the community in any way we can,” he said. “We’re public servants and that’s the career path that we chose and that’s how we can give back to the community, is with our time and donations like this. We have a great charity already set up through our local IAFF, and they do a lot of work as well. So, any time we can give back to the community, that’s our No. 1 focus, and we love doing this.”
Christine Light, chair of the Division’s Poverty Intervention Committee, praised the work and dedication or all the first responders throughout the city, and thanked them, along with Panago, for their community spirit and generosity in supporting students of Lethbridge School Division.
“The Poverty Intervention Committee is so thrilled for the continued support of Panago North,” she said. “Wade has been an incredible champion for our Division family and our community, and this donation will go a long way providing for basic needs, so students in need can focus on their learning.”