Ainsley Croil appointed principal of General Stewart Elementary School

Lethbridge School Division is pleased to announce Ainsley Croil has been appointed principal for General Stewart Elementary School, commencing the 2024/2025 school year.
“It is truly an honour to be selected to serve as principal at General Stewart Elementary School,” said Croil. “I am excited for the opportunity to establish authentic relationships and collaborate with the students, staff and community partners at General Stewart.”
The new General Stewart principal added she looks to build on the strong tradition of success at the school.
“As a school with a strong philosophy in supporting all of its students from a holistic perspective, I will strive to continue the deep and meaningful work that is already underway towards building bridges to a high level of student success.”
Croil’s teaching and leadership journey has included her most recent opportunity as vice-principal and Learning Support teacher at Immanuel Christian Elementary School. She also served as vice-principal at Coalbanks Elementary School, prior to her assignment at ICES.
Croil also worked at Senator Buchanan as a Learning Support teacher and also taught Grade 5/6 at Longview School, where she also worked as Learning Coach.
She spent time at Spitzee Elementary School as Learning Coach and Grade 3, Grades 2/3 teacher and also taught Grade 3/4 at Warner Elementary School.
She has assumed other leadership roles throughout her career, including the role Collaborative Community Leader and Mentorship committee member.
Croil completed her Bachelor of Education (Elementary Education) at the University of Alberta. She earned her Master of Arts in Education in Leadership and Management through her studies with Oxford Brookes University.