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Health Canada issues warning to outline risks associated with vaping

Health Canada has issued a warning that outlines vaping carries risk of pulmonary illness. Learn more about the warning here:  https://healthycanadians.gc.ca/recall-alert-rappel-avis/hc-sc/2019/70919a-eng.php

Health Canada is advising Canadians who use vaping products to monitor themselves for symptoms of pulmonary illness (cough, shortness of breath, chest pain) and to seek medical attention promptly if they have concerns about their health.

Health Canada dded vaping is not without risk, and the potential long-term effects of vaping remain unknown. Non-smokers, people who are pregnant and young people should not vape.

A parent tip sheet regarding vaping can be found here: TIP SHEET.

Alberta physicians told to watch for and report any cases of mystery vaping illness

In Alberta, the provincial government has made it a notifiable disease, meaning doctors are now required to report any cases they find. All doctors across the province are to receive letters by the end of the week informing them of the mandatory reporting requirement.

For more information about electronic cigarettes please contact:

West Zone

Katie Clampitt (Katie.clampitt@ahs.ca)

Megan Burland (Megan.Burland@ahs.ca)

East Zone

Michelle Sauve (Michelle.Sauve@ahs.ca)