Phone service disruption

Please note, some of our elementary schools, along with the Division's Education Centre, are experiencing issues with their phone systems. The Division is working to resolve the issue. Thank you for your patience.

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Wilson's Epic Thanksgiving Community Event celebrates the season

Students at Wilson Middle School had an early Thanksgiving meal on Friday morning.
An entire hallway was filled with tables, and students had the opportunity to enjoy a delicious meal, thanks to a unique initiative, spearheaded by Grade 8 teacher Amy Fisher.
"Last year, I started this with my Knowledge and Employability program," she said. "We did Thanksgiving, and that extended to Christmas and Easter as well. This year, as an initiative for our inquiry-based program, we decided as a hallway, because we are all alternative programs, to come together and create a neighbourhood-like network community. So, we extended it and said, 'Why don't we do our Thanksgiving and take it out to our hallway community and extend it to all of our classes?' We all came together as teachers and support staff and made it happen."
Knowledge and Employability, Life Skills, ELL Transitions and Limited Formal Schooling classes came together for a feast that took a lot of work to pull off.
"We have been working for two days now," said Fisher. "Some of our friends and family helped as well so it was just like a big potluck. All of us just pitched in and we divided up the tasks and got it done."