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U of C students visit Wilson class to speak about wellness

Two students from the University of Calgary stopped by Wilson Middle School on Friday to conduct a wellness workshop for the school’s Blackfoot culture class.
Rudy Black Plume and Robyn Healy made the trip from Calgary to visit Jenna BruisedHead’s Niitsitapiisiinnii class (our way of life), which is an exploratory option for students in Grade 6 to Grade 8.
The class has over 30 students registered, and has given students the opportunity to tour Lethbridge College, take a traditional plant walk, make ribbon skirts and learn about beading, among many other things.
Friday, the U of C students put a focus on bringing Blackfoot culture into the classroom, as Black Plume and Healy had many activities designed to connect students with their culture.
The community-based project had Wilson students participate in a smudging activity, design a smudge box, explore wellness and have an opportunity to try fry bread, berry soup and moose jerky.