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ICE Awards scholarship winners recognized at Board meeting

Six Lethbridge School District No. 51 students were recognized Tuesday with Canada 150 ICE Awards Scholarships.

Two individual projects, and two team projects, were among the four submissions selected for the 2019 version of the scholarships.

At the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees, the winners were presented with their scholarship cheques, along with a certificate to recognize their achievement.

Below is a short description of the four winning projects.

Go Nutty – Kanyon Jarvie and Amy Quan

Kanyon Jarvie and Amy Quan are Grade 9 students at Winston Churchill High School. Their project, Go Nutty, was born from seeing the need for nutritious food that is delicious, nutritious and affordable for all families. Through trial and error, Jarvie and Quan developed the recipe for their granola cups. They are vegan friendly and dairy free. Through their business plan, they would like to see their product available in schools, throughout the community, and in time, internationally. Fifty per cent of their profits are donated back to Breakfast Clubs of Canada. Jarvie and Quan want to ensure every student has the healthy nutrition they need within their day.

Epistemic Responsibility – Linda He

Linda He is a Grade 10 student from Chinook High School. Her project, Epistemic Responsibility, stemmed from her discovery and newfound passion for philosophy. He sees the need to strengthen critical thinking and reasoning skills of students, especially in light of the influence our society has from the continual influx of information online. He would like to introduce others to this field of study through the development of a Philosophy Club at her school. She also would like to explore the potential of having a Philosophy course offered for credit.

Spatial Awareness – Maiya Clapton

Maiya Clapton is a Grade 11 student from Winston Churchill High School. Her project, Spatial Awareness, is a product of her keen interest in neuroscience. For the past two years, Clapton has been working alongside Dr. Gonzales, professor of Kinesiology and Neuroscience, at the University of Lethbridge. Their work has been exploring the spatial strengths of men and women at a post-secondary level. Through Lego play, they discovered a significant difference of ability and have moved their research deeper to explore whether Lego could play a significant role in the rehabilitation of spatial abilities and motor functions. Clapton would like to explore Lego clubs within our District and discover how Lego play can benefit young learners. She is interested in pursuing neuroscience as a career and will be travelling this summer to Viet Nam to participate in a medical project.

Tailings Ponds – Dewuni De Silva and Michelle Wu

Dewuni De Silva and Michelle Wu are Grade 11 students from Winston Churchill High School. Representing their iGEM team (International Genetically Engineered Machine), De Silva and Wu presented their collective work on tailings ponds. Tailings ponds are formed from many oil and mining processes. They have detrimental effects on the environment and ecosystem as they contain a toxic combination of oil and chemical compounds such as lead and mercury. Their project explored the possibility of extracting such ions from the water to decrease the negative impacts they create. They believe that as oil production and demand increases, the use of their project will be beneficial to both the environment and the economy. They would like to explore further the possibility of taking the metal ions collected and repurposing them or selling them for profit. A harmful wasteland can be turned into a repurposed land mine.