Phone service disruption

Please note, some of our elementary schools, along with the Division's Education Centre, are experiencing issues with their phone systems. The Division is working to resolve the issue. Thank you for your patience.

School Codes

Chinook High School

Chinook: 7EVHN5PNKJ

Dr. Gerald B. Probe Elementary School


Dr. Robert Plaxton Elementary School

Plaxton: F7TIZ0DHIH

École Agnes Davidson

Davidson: 23O3G3PMU6

Nicholas Sheran Elementary School

Nicholas Sheran: WFU2V9PTOQ

Fleetwood-Bawden Elementary School

Fleetwood-Bawden: 1MRV1Y6ZGG

G.S. Lakie Middle School

G.S. Lakie: DM0RGI73ZC

Galbraith Elementary School

Galbraith: 3UMF8228UR

Gilbert Paterson Middle School

Gilbert Paterson: 3BM8JM2DK2

Lakeview Elementary School

Lakeview: 5398POVBAP

Lethbridge Collegiate Institute

Lethbridge Collegiate Institute: 8ZLXQEU7WI

Mike Mountain Horse Elementary School

Mike Mountain Horse: LNICZYB533

Park Meadows Elementary School

Park Meadows: TK3LLUK007

Senator Buchanan Elementary School

Senator Buchanan: TBXWZXMYF8

Senator Joyce Fairbairn Middle School

Senator Joyce: XNMOTH1D5C

Westminster Elementary School

Westminster: 44X3L92NP2

Wilson Middle School

Wilson: 9UNZ6N0OW7