Phone service disruption

Please note, some of our elementary schools, along with the Division's Education Centre, are experiencing issues with their phone systems. The Division is working to resolve the issue. Thank you for your patience.

Outbound Teachers

Teacher Exchanges

Alberta Education provides much information for teachers wanting to participate in an exchange.  For an international experience, destinations could include Australia, Denmark, Germany, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.  Check out the Teacher Exchange section of the Alberta Education website for more information.

The Alberta Teacher's Association (ATA) is responsible for administration of the Alberta Teacher Exchange Program. 

The Canadian Education Exchange Foundation (CEEF) offers interprovincial exchanges for Ontario, British Columbia, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island teachers with counterparts from all other Canadian provinces, except Quebec. Destinations for international teacher exchanges are: Australia, Denmark, Germany, New Zealand, The Netherlands, Switzerland, The United Kingdom (including England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland), Colorado, U.S.A. and the Council of International Schools.