Phone service disruption

Please note, some of our elementary schools, along with the Division's Education Centre, are experiencing issues with their phone systems. The Division is working to resolve the issue. Thank you for your patience.


All schools in Lethbridge School Division follow the Programs of Study that are created by Alberta Education. Teachers use a variety of methodologies to engage students and further their understanding of curricular objectives and meet their diverse needs.  If you have questions about Curriculum, please contact the Director of Curriculum and Instruction, Erin Hurkett, at

My Child's Learning: A Parent Resource

This resource will provide you with a better understanding of Alberta’s curriculum and related information for your child. This tool can help you discover what your child is learning, how they’re assessed and what resources are available to help them be successful from Kindergarten to Grade 12.

My Child's Learning

Curriculum Resources Centre

Located on the lower level of the Education Centre, the CRC offers numerous resources to support students in the classroom.  From novel sets to math manipulatives, games and activities to sports equipment, early childhood and professional resources to an Ellison cutting machine, teachers and support staff can book items through Destiny or come in person to browse and select items.


Lethbridge School Division recognizes literacy is a core foundation for learning and achievement across all subject areas. Students must be able to communicate their ideas and understand those of others through oral communication, reading, writing and media literacy. Some of the work being done in schools to support the literacy development of our students includes supporting the implementation of reading and writing workshop models of instruction, use of literacy strategies in all subject disciplines and professional learning for teachers, so that they have a toolbox to draw on when working with their students.