Phone service disruption

Please note, some of our elementary schools, along with the Division's Education Centre, are experiencing issues with their phone systems. The Division is working to resolve the issue. Thank you for your patience.

Enriched Academy

Enriched Academy Financial Literacy

Through the introduction of a scholarship program, Enriched Academy is offering an opportunity for Alberta high school students to receive up to $1,000.
For more information on the scholarship program, please click on the link below:


Enriched Academy also offers a Financial Literacy Grade 12 program, which includes an engaging online, video-based course that provides financial and life skills.

For more information on the Financial Literacy program, please click on the link below:


Enriched Academy - a personal finance course for all 2022 graduates

We know financial literacy is a critical life skill for our students. With the impacts our economy has had over the last two years, understanding the basics around money management has never been more important.

We are excited to introduce a new resource for students this year to learn about money: Enriched Academy. Enriched Academy is Canada’s leading online personal financial education program, providing financial literacy training through online courses and tools. Enriched Academy covers budgeting, credit cards, credit score, student loans, investing, insurance, taxes and much more. 

We are happy to announce that your child, along with all Grade 12 students, will receive a personal licence for Enriched Academy with lifetime access to the program. The self-paced modules and tools will allow them to complete the course this year or upon graduation. The attached flyer will outline how your child will be able to access their account, a “how to” video, and scholarship opportunities.

We hope this program will help prepare our graduates for the future, wherever their journey will take them.

In the event your child has forgotten their login details, they can simply use the “Forgot Password” function on the Enriched Academy’s homepage.

1. Go to

2. Click on “User Access” on the top right of the page

3. Click on “Forgot Password?”

4. Enter your school email address and hit continue

5. An email will be sent to your registered email address with a link to create a new password