Phone service disruption

Please note, some of our elementary schools, along with the Division's Education Centre, are experiencing issues with their phone systems. The Division is working to resolve the issue. Thank you for your patience.


Kindergarten Registration

Kindergarten Registration is now open for the 2024-2025 school year. To be eligible to register for kindergarten in 2024-2025, your child must be 5 years old on, or before, December 31, 2024.

To help select the appropriate school for registration, please use this link to use the Lethbridge School Division School Locator Tool: SCHOOL LOCATOR

Kindergarten registrations are now hosted on SchoolEngage. To register your student, please click the link below then choose 'create a new account'. Once an account has been created, choose to add a new student and complete the form.

2024-2025 Kindergarten Registration Form: KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION FORM

For more information on how to use the SchoolEngage platform, please check out the SchoolEngage Parent User Guide here: SchoolEngage USER GUIDE
